Cobalt-free battery now in test phase: a major milestone for the COBRA project

In the first week of June, several COBRA partners came together in Catalonia to carry out the End-of-Line testing of two complete battery pack prototypes. This marked a major milestone for the project that is developing cobalt-free electric vehicle (EV) battery packs. From this baseline, subsequent generations (Gen1, Gen2, GenX) will be developed from treated recycled active materials to the full battery pack – with improved performance. 

Partners present at commissioning week: AVL, Eurecat, Aentron, IREC, Applus+ IDIADA, Bax & Company, and Millor Battery

The battery commissioning 

After Millor Battery had assembled the battery pack, preliminary calibration and testing were performed. Subsequent testing procedures were completed at the nearby Eurecat facilities. Overall, the performed tests included: 

  1. IVT-S current sensor calibration
  2. Installation of the BCU
  3. Low voltage commissioning
  4. High voltage connection test
  5. BCU calibration

Firstly, at the Millor Batteries facilities, preliminary tests were performed to determine the battery pack’s proper functioning (e.g. BMS, connections, and sensors). Since one of the module’s MCUs reported a non-functioning cell, module-level testing was performed using multimeters. Once the alternative testing was completed, all the elements were performing correctly.

COBRA battery pack without lid

If you’d like further details on the latest developments in COBRA, or want to reach out to one of the partners, contact or visit our Twitter and LinkedIn channels.

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